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Webinar: What Does SnapNrack’s Updated UL 2703 Listing Mean to You? [Video]

  • If you missed our March 24th webinar, view it here.

SnapNrack’s Series 100 and 200 Systems recently received an updated UL 2703 listing that will further enhance the huge benefit that distributors and installers of SnapNrack products have been receiving.

  • Review how the Series 100 UL 2703 Listing for grounding/bonding has been restructured to improve ease of installation. Detail how the restructured Listing maintains strict compliance with UL 2703 Test Standard.


  • Cover additional UL 2703 Listing updates for Series 100 and 200 systems


  • Identify product updates reflected in our Q1/Q2 2016 Price List. Along with UL updates, we have made improvements to our product lines that will also provide better features to our customers.